Learn an instrument. Form a band. Write original songs. Play a show. After school!

Girls Rock! DC After-School Program (GR!ASP) is an after-school music education program where students learn to write original songs together.

FALL 2024 GR!ASP at Takoma Music School is enrolling now!

GR!ASP: The Band Experience is an 8-week program for young folks looking to improve their skills in drums, guitar, bass, keys, or vocals and get real-life experience being in a band and writing their own music. GR!ASPers take weekly lessons from Takoma Music School’s experienced instructors followed by a Saturday morning band meeting where Girls Rock! DC’s expert Band Coaches teach songwriting, creative expression, and collaboration. The program concludes with GR!ASPers performing an original song written with their band at a live, onstage concert.

GR!ASP takes place Saturday mornings at 10am from its start date on October 5th till its end on November 23rd. Sign up today!

GR!ASP is also held at SEED School of Washington, Washington School For Girls schools. Want to bring GR!ASP to your school? Contact us today!

What you can expect at GR!ASP:

  • Learn to jam on electric guitar, groove on electric bass, kick it on keys, sing like a diva, or rock out on drums from local DC musicians. 
  • Build skills in songwriting, creative writing, and self-expression.
  • Form a band with your fellow GR!ASPers and collaboratively write original songs.
  • Hear from DC artists, organizers, and creatives about how they do what they love and connect art to activism.
  • Perform on stage with your new band at a live show for a real audience. 

Give back to GR!ASP!

GR!ASP is led by volunteers! These are local DC musicians and community leaders who serve as role models for GR!ASPers and help them discover their inner rock star.

Performers, band coaches, instrument instructors, and workshop facilitators help us lead GR!ASP. Join us!

Request GR!ASP at your school!

We love partnering with schools in all four quadrants of DC!

If you want to bring GR!ASP to your school, please have an administrator reach out to Frankie at Frankie@girlsrockdc.org.

GR!ASP costs a school $3,500-$8,500 per session, depending on length and size of program. Learn more about being a school partner here.

NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY: Girls Rock! DC does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national and/or ethnic origin, marital status, sexual orientation, body type, physical ability, gender expression, or other individual identities in the administration of any of its educational programs, admissions policies, scholarships, and other Camp-related policies and programs, as well as volunteer policies and activities. All Camp activities will promote and maintain the personal and emotional safety of all campers and staff. We do not tolerate racism, homophobia, sexism, or other discriminatory behavior or expression.